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DK - Reference Encyclopedia

 $ 3.9 
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Product Details
Views: 1232
NameDK - Reference Encyclopedia
File NameGSPCD1645A.iso
Size724,297,728 bytes (690.7 MB)
Product Description

The DK Reference Encyclopedia gives you fast and easy access to a huge range of reference resources. Using the options available from the navigation bar at the top of every screen, you can go straight to what you want using the search tools, browse the articles and media, or check out the six interactive sections.

The encyclopedia section contains all the articles, together with linked media, Web links, tables, quotations, and more. And in case you don't understand a particular word, the dictionary is just a click away.

Use the curriculum links section to browse encyclopedia entries that relate to the UK National Curriculum. These include model answers to exam-style questions plus study topics covering key points for revision.

The timeline section includes an easy-to-navigate chronology from the Big Bang to the 21st century. You can also create your own timeline and find out what happened on this day in history.

In the atlas section, you can navigate the continents and countries of the world. As well as exploring the maps, follow the links to see articles, statistics, and images.

Use the chart builder to compare different statistics for the countries of the world.

The quiz section lets you set and take your own quiz.
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