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Microsoft Platform SDK - February 2003 Edition
 $ 9.9 
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Some of the old software before 2010 may not be able to install/run normally on x64 or Windows 10 systems. Be aware of it before purchasing it.
Product Details
Views: 2817
NamePlatform SDK - February 2003 Edition
File Nameen_platformsdk_win2003.exe
Size340,488,704 bytes (324.7 MB)
Product Description

The Microsoft Platform Software Development Kit (SDK) contains the information you need to develop applications for Microsoft Windows®. This edition of the SDK supports development for the following platforms:

Windows Server 2003
Windows Advanced Server, Limited Edition
Windows XP
Windows XP 64-bit Edition
Windows 2000
Windows NT® versions 3.51 and 4.0
Windows Millennium Edition
Windows 95 and Windows 98

Use SDK Update to ensure that you have the latest documentation, samples, and SDK build environment (header files, libraries, and tools).

SDK Update saves you time and hard disk space by dividing the Platform SDK into component SDKs that you can download separately. For example, to obtain the latest SDK content for Microsoft DirectX, download only the DirectX SDK. Furthermore, you can separately install documentation, samples, the build environment, or any combination of this content.
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