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Microsoft Modem Developer Kit
 $ 3.9 
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Product Details
Views: 2054
NameMicrosoft Modem Developer Kit
File Namemdk.exe
Size2,278,824 bytes (2.1 MB)
Product Description
Modem Development Kit (MDK) Readme
This file contains documents, tools and sample files for modem developers interested in the Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 operating systems.

The contents of this Modem Development Kit (MDK) are:

This file; describes files currently on the FTP site.

Debug DLL for FAX testing.

This document provides a checklist of code review guidelines for modem INF files used by Windows 95 and Windows NT. MDK.DOC and REG.DOC should be read prior to using this document.

Together with Logwin.exe, produces logs in real-time of the events that take place when your modem is running under the Windows 95 operating system. You can display the event log in a window on the screen and/or save the log in a file on disk.

See LOGGER.VXD description.

Presents a procedure you can use to build, debug, optimize, and distribute your modem INF file and any other driver files required by your modem. MDK.DOC is a users' guide to the MDK.

Unimodem ID generation tool; used to obtain Unimodem ID strings from modems (including modems on PCMCIA cards). Will run on Win95, NT or Win 3.x

Documentation for MODEMID.EXE.

External COM port Plug and Play specification.

The Plug and Play documentation from the Windows 95 DDK, which includes a chapter on how to use the Infedit tool and a reference for all types of sections and items that can be in a Windows 95 INF file.

Profile Calculator. Used to construct data and voice properties/profile lines for modem INF files. Unzip to a separate subdirectory and run setup. 32-bit app, must be run on Win95 or NT. Review Readme.doc within PROCALC.ZIP and .hlp file once Profile Calculator has been set up for details.

Specifies the registry entries that are included in a modem INF file.

A sample INF file that installs a data modem (a modem without voice or VoiceView support).

A sample INF file the installs the serial wave driver required by most voice modems.

A sample INF file for a voice modem.

A sample INF file for a modem that supports VoiceView.

A sample INF file that installs the wave wrapper required by some voice modems.

Unimodem/V specification.
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