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Microsoft FabriKam 3.1

 $ 9.9 
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The download links use the HTTPS protocol. e.g."https://www.shoplack.com/file.iso"
Some of the old software before 2010 may not be able to install/run normally on x64 or Windows 10 systems. Be aware of it before purchasing it.
Product Details
Views: 3208
NameFabriKam 3.1 - The Microsoft Office System Solutions Learning Kit
File Nameen_fabrikam3.1.iso
Size2,104,160,256 bytes (1.95 GB)
Product Description

FabriKam - The Microsoft Office System Solutions Learning Platform – addresses these needs. Built on a virtual platform, FabriKam includes sample solutions that address typical scenarios and implement business process that are common to most enterprises. Developers can use the FabriKam to learn about Office System technologies, modify or create new solutions for their own unique requirements. FabriKam solutions also showcase development best practices for Office solutions builders and also educate developers on the potential of using the Microsoft Office System to create solutions.

FabriKam 3.1 is a virtual PC image that contains sample solutions and components as part of a fully-functional Microsoft® Virtual PC® 2004 environment. Developers can load this virtual machine, which includes Microsoft® Windows Server™ 2003, SQL Server™ 2000, BizTalk® Server 2004, Office 2003 Professional Edition, Microsoft Office SharePoint® Portal Server, Visual Studio® .NET 2003, and all of the custom solutions and components. FabriKam 3.1 also contains extensive developer documentation about the FabriKam solutions, the components, and the infrastructure so that developers can truly learn how to create their own solutions.
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