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Customer Care Framework 2009 Service Pack 1

 $ 9.9 
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Some of the old software before 2010 may not be able to install/run normally on x64 or Windows 10 systems. Be aware of it before purchasing it.
Product Details
Views: 2444
NameMicrosoft Customer Care Framework 2009 Service Pack 1 (x64 and x86)
File Nameen_customer_care_framework_2009_sp1_x64_x86_cd_x15-64598.iso
Size188,067,840 bytes (179.3 MB)
Product Description

Microsoft Customer Care Framework (CCF) was a Microsoft .NET desktop-based framework which was used to address issues faced by service providers caused by multiple line of business (LOB) systems while interacting with their customers. It was discontinued though many of its core functions were moved to an add-in for the Microsoft Dynamics CRM product.

The Customer Care Framework provided a core set of functions for customer support avenues including voice call via call center agents and Internet portals. The framework used other Microsoft server products including the BizTalk Server, and SharePoint. CCF required the use of Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft IIS for the server side, which it uses to provide a base core set of web services.

CCF is targeted at medium to large enterprises. CCF was originally developed for the large call center requirements of the telecommunication industry.

CCF is different from most products from Microsoft in that it is not an 'out of the box' solution but requires development and configuration to build a working customer solution. The framework allows for a SOA methodology[1][2][3] on development on the server and agent desktop side, but this is not mandatory and non-SOA development can be done and is normally the case.
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