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Microsoft ESP 1.0

 $ 19.9 
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Some of the old software before 2010 may not be able to install/run normally on x64 or Windows 10 systems. Be aware of it before purchasing it.
Product Details
Views: 3281
NameMicrosoft ESP 1.0 Client - Disc 1 (x86)
File Nameen_esp_1.0_client_disc_1_dvd_x14-17823.iso
Size3,329,935,360 bytes (3.1 GB)
NameMicrosoft ESP 1.0 Client - Disc 2 (x86)
File Nameen_esp_1.0_client_disc_2_dvd_x14-17827.iso
Size2,667,313,152 bytes (2.48 GB)
NameMicrosoft ESP 1.0 Client - Disc 3 (x86)
File Nameen_esp_1.0_client_disc_3_dvd_x14-21001.iso
Size4,136,329,216 bytes (3.85 GB)
NameMicrosoft ESP 1.0 Software Developer Kit (x86)
File Nameen_esp_1.0_software_developer_kit_dvd_x14-17831.iso
Size213,194,752 bytes (203.3 MB)
Product Description

Minimum System Requirements:
• 2.8 GHz processor or higher.
• 1.0 GB RAM
• 128MB video RAM or higher.
• Must have vertex and pixel shader model 1.1 or higher (no more hardware T&L).

Potential uses for ESP include:
• Flight training
• R&D simulation
• Weather modeling using real-time data or simulated data
• Post-action review
• MMORPG scenarios

Microsoft ESP provides a PC-based simulation engine, software tooling, an SDK, content integration and scenario-building capabilities.

ESP SDK Overview
The Microsoft® ESP™ SDK is the core component of the ESP product. ESP is a set of tools that enables simulation of real-world objects. The primary focus of this first release is aviation, and the primary scenario is training, although other scenarios such as decision support are also envisaged.

The primary tool, ESP.exe, is a flight simulator, and this SDK can be used to create add-on components for it. These components can be new models, such as aircraft, instruments, ground vehicles, boats, buildings and other structures. They can be new visuals, such as new or replacement scenery, terrain, and special effects. New missions -- structured flights such as tutorials and tests of skill and knowledge -- can be also created and made available through the user interface of ESP. ESP is fundamentally data driven; there is no limit to the amount of new data, models, or missions that can be added.
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