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MICROSOFTInteractive Multimedia

Microsoft Graphics Studio Home Publishing 99 (3CD)

 $ 5.9 
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Some of the old software before 2010 may not be able to install/run normally on x64 or Windows 10 systems. Be aware of it before purchasing it.
Product Details
Views: 1586
NameMicrosoft Graphics Studio Home Publishing 99 (CD1)
File NameSTPHPUB1.iso
Size654,311,424 bytes (624 MB)
NameMicrosoft Graphics Studio Home Publishing 99 (CD2)
File NameDESHPUB2.iso
Size642,777,088 bytes (613 MB)
NameMicrosoft Graphics Studio Home Publishing 99 (CD3)
File NameARTHPUB3.iso
Size673,185,792 bytes (642 MB)
Product Description

Unleash your creativity with this product, whether you want to create your own Web page, send an e-greeting to a family member, or create a family photo album. Microsoft Home Publishing Premium 2000 has the complete set of tools. Picture It! software with its new "mini lab" lets you make adjustments to an entire roll of film in one easy step. Choose from over 100,000 quality graphics; 10,000 project templates; 10,000 professional photos; 155 fonts; or add your own photos, artwork, and personalized messages.

Working with text is easy with text-frame linking that lets you flow text from column to column and page to page on newsletters, school reports, pamphlets, and more. Use transitions, sound, animations, and music in your multimedia publishing. Support for HTML file format means that what you see is what you get. Direct Web Post makes posting creations to popular communities a snap.
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