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Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 Professional Edition with MSDN

 $ 15.9 
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Product Details
Views: 6689
NameVisual Studio 6.0 Professional Edition, Disc 1
File Nameen_vs60_pro_cd1.exe
Size309,340,672 bytes (295 MB)
NameVisual Studio 6.0 Professional Edition, Disc 2
File Nameen_vs60_pro_cd2.exe
Size302,928,896 bytes (288.8 MB)
NameVisual Studio 6.0 Professional Edition, Disc 1
File NameVSP600ENU1.iso
Size619,735,040 bytes (591 MB)
NameVisual Studio 6.0 Professional Edition, Disc 2
File NameVSP600ENU2.iso
Size382,726,144 bytes (364.9 MB)
NameVisual Studio 6.0 Professional Edition, Disc 3 (Visual J++)
File NameVJP60_ENU1.iso
Size391,741,440 bytes (373.5 MB)
NameMSDN Library For Visual Studio 6.0, Disc 1
File NameDN60AENU1.iso
Size629,846,016 bytes (600.6 MB)
NameMSDN Library For Visual Studio 6.0, Disc 2
File NameDN60AENU2.iso
Size571,443,200 bytes (544.9 MB)
Product Description

Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 was released in June 1998 and is the last version to run on the Windows 9x platform. Each version of each language in part also settled to v6.0, including Visual J++ which was prior v1.1, and Visual InterDev at the 1st release. The v6 edition of Microsoft was the core environment for the next four releases to provide programmers with an integrated look-a-like platform. This led Microsoft to transition the development on the platform independent .NET Framework.

Visual Studio 6.0 was the last version to include the COM-based version of plain Visual Basic language; subsequent 2002 version (in 'Visual Studio 2002' package) included Basic language using the .NET platform. It did not include Visual J++, which Microsoft removed as part of a settlement with Sun Microsystems that required Microsoft Internet Explorer to not provide support for the Java Virtual Machine Environment.

Disc 1:

Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 Professional Tools
Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0 Tools
Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0
Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0
Microsoft Visual FoxPro 6.0
Microsoft Visual InterDev 6.0

Disc 2:

NT Option Pack (for Windows9x)
FrontPage 98 Server Extensions
Data Access Components 2.0
Visual InterDev Server Components

Disc 3:

Microsoft Visual J++ 6.0

Disc 4 & Disc 5:

MSDN Library For Visual Studio 6.0
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