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MICROSOFTDeveloper Tool

Microsoft Visual Basic 5.0

 $ 9.9 
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Some of the old software before 2010 may not be able to install/run normally on x64 or Windows 10 systems. Be aware of it before purchasing it.
Product Details
Views: 4543
NameVisual Basic 5.0 Professional
File NameVB50PRO.iso
Size458,477,088 bytes (437.2 MB)
NameVisual Basic 5.0 Enterprise
File NameVB50ENT.iso
Size550,064,128 bytes (524.5 MB)
Product Description

With version 5.0, Microsoft released Visual Basic exclusively for 32-bit versions of Windows. Programmers who preferred to write 16-bit programs were able to import programs written in Visual Basic 4.0 to Visual Basic 5.0, and Visual Basic 5.0 programs can easily be converted with Visual Basic 4.0. Visual Basic 5.0 also introduced the ability to create custom user controls, as well as the ability to compile to native Windows executable code, speeding up calculation-intensive code execution. A free, downloadable Control Creation Edition was also released for creation of ActiveX controls. It was also used as an introductory form of Visual Basic: a regular .exe project could be created and run in the IDE, but not compiled.
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