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MICROSOFTDeveloper Tool

Microsoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 with Update 5

 $ 3.9 
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The download links use the HTTPS protocol. e.g."https://www.shoplack.com/file.iso"
Some of the old software before 2010 may not be able to install/run normally on x64 or Windows 10 systems. Be aware of it before purchasing it.
Product Details
Views: 4194
NameMicrosoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 with Update 5 (x86)
File Nameen_visual_studio_ultimate_2013_with_update_5_x86_dvd_6815896.iso
Size5,173,809,152 bytes (4.81 GB)
NameMicrosoft Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 Documentation
File NameVS2013Documentation_en.iso
Size4,348,012,544 bytes (4.04 GB)
Product Description

Visual Studio Ultimate 2013 is the state-of-the-art development solution that empowers teams of all sizes to design, create, and modernize scalable applications that span devices and services. A simplified development solution enables all roles involved in a software project to create the high-quality, mission-critical software your company depends on. Empower the team including operations and trusted stakeholders continuously adapt to changes in shorter development cycles so that you can deliver consumer and business applications that exceed customers expectations.
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