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Ulead Cool 3D 3.0 (2000)

 $ 3.9 
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Some of the old software before 2010 may not be able to install/run normally on x64 or Windows 10 systems. Be aware of it before purchasing it.
Product Details
Views: 1484
NameUlead Cool 3D 3.0 (2000)
LanguagesChinese, English, French, German, Japanese
File NameUlead_C3D3.iso
Size477,782,016 bytes (455.6 MB)
Product Description

Welcome to Ulead COOL 3D, the powerful 3D titling program that lets you create high-impact, three-dimensional still and animated titles and headlines for documents, presentations, reports, videos, multimedia titles, and web pages.

Ulead COOL 3D gets cooler and cooler! Version 3.0 comes with more enhancements, and the new features will continue to amaze you. Create your still and animated 3D projects like a real pro!

Functions Enhancement
Version 3.0 enhancements make Ulead COOL 3D more powerful and flexible. Also the file directory is re-organized and arranged to offer you a more convenient work environment. Check out these summaries of what you can expect to find and how to make the most use of these significant changes.

New Features
New editing tools in Version 3.0 lets you create 2D and 3D objects. This means that your project is no longer restricted to font-oriented objects. In the workspace, you can organize all objects with Object Manager. With these powerful new tools, the sky's the limit to what you can achieve.

Cool New Effects
More cool effects are included in this version for you to apply to your title and make 3D titling more fun! The new Transition category of plug-in effects are sure to surprise you.
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