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PC GAMESAdventure,Puzzle

Karma - Curse of the 12 Caves (1995)

 $ 5.9 
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Product Details
Views: 669
NameKarma - Curse of the 12 Caves (1995)
File NameKARMA.iso
Size570,724,352 bytes (544.2 MB)
Product Description

A FMV adventure set in the caves of Dun-Huang. A trap was set for a terrible demon. The trap worked all too well as it also trapped the stone cutters that built the trap in the walls of the cave. Its your mission to go in and unlock the stone cutters by solving various puzzles based on Chinese myth and lore.

The game uses the same slide show puzzles that made Myst famous. Unlike Myst, you have a mysterious guide who transforms in to a lotus blossom and provides history and explanations for the various puzzles.

There is also a help feature that provides clues to how to solve puzzles.

Copy DISCISCC.DLL to "C:\Windows\" for installation! 256 color mode for play!

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