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Microsoft Host Integration Server 2020 Enterprise Edition
 $ 9.9 
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Some of the old software before 2010 may not be able to install/run normally on x64 or Windows 10 systems. Be aware of it before purchasing it.
Product Details
Views: 397
NameMicrosoft Host Integration Server 2020 Enterprise Edition
File Nameen_host_integration_server_2020_enterprise_x64_dvd_9517b747.iso
Size190,040,064 bytes (181.2 MB)
Product Description

Microsoft Host Integration Server (HIS) technologies and tools enable enterprise organizations to integrate existing IBM host systems, programs, messages and data with new Microsoft server applications. HIS allows IT administrators to securely and efficiently connect new systems to existing systems using industry-standard High Performance Routing (HPR) and Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) over Internet Protocol (IP). This reduces operating expenses and total cost of ownership while supporting existing and new computing workloads.

Host Integration Server empowers enterprise developers to deliver new applications more quickly and with less custom coding. Developers who use Visual Studio and the .NET Framework can be more productive than those who use IBM host development tools and technologies because they do not require knowledge of host systems and infrastructure. HIS empowers knowledge workers and decision-makers to analyze and report vital information faster. They can access data in host data sources from business intelligence tools within Microsoft Office SharePoint and SQL Server. This eliminates the need to schedule host developers to write programs to extract and convert host structures.

The following sections provide an overview of the five HIS technology areas.

● Network Integration
● Data Integration
● Application Integration
● Message Integration
● Security Integration
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