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DK Eyewitness Children's Encyclopedia (2004)

 $ 3.9 
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Product Details
Views: 4142
NameDorling Kindersley - Eyewitness Children's Encyclopedia (2004)
File NameDKCENCY.iso
Size677,052,416 bytes (645.6 MB)
Product Description

While most encyclopedias are software versions of traditional texts, Eyewitness Children's Encyclopedia breaks the mold by presenting creative 3D landscapes which transport children to virtual worlds—from the rain forest to the inside of the Earth, from their backyard to deep space—in which every scene and object is linked to exploring a child's natural curiosity of the "how" and "why" of their world. The encyclopedia is extensively cross-referenced and you can leave "sticky notes" on screens as you go along so you can go back to favorite sections.

Far more than a collection of information, the Eyewitness Children's Encyclopedia is an absorbing interactive experience that teaches by letting children explore the world!


• More than 6,000 screens and pop-ups
• More than 750,000 words of text
• 3,000 key word glossaries
• 50 interactive videos
• 200 animations
• 700 biographies
• 100 digital maps
• 2 hours of full audio
• 20 3D environments
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