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MICROSOFTInteractive Multimedia

Microsoft Greetings 2000

 $ 3.9 
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The download links use the HTTPS protocol. e.g."https://www.shoplack.com/file.iso"
Some of the old software before 2010 may not be able to install/run normally on x64 or Windows 10 systems. Be aware of it before purchasing it.
Product Details
Views: 766
NameMicrosoft Greetings 2000
File NameGR2.iso
Size658,812,928 bytes (628.2 MB)
Product Description

Microsoft Greetings 2000 gives you all the tools you need to easily create personalized Hallmark-quality greetings for all occasions.

It’s easy to sit down at your computer and in minutes create a Hallmark-quality greeting card or e-mail

Greetings 2000 brings your inspiration to life with tons of cool content and thousands of great looking design templates

Choose from 8,000 sentiments, 15,000 graphics, 155 fonts, and more—or add your own photos, artwork, and personalized messages

Get great results with a home color printer. Greetings 2000 walks you through the printing process so it always turns out right

E-mail your greeting! Greetings 2000 makes it easy to create e-mail greetings with animation, music, sound effects, or your recorded voice
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