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PC GAMESAdventure,Puzzle

The Journeyman Project 2 - Buried In Time (1995)(3CD)
 $ 5.9 
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Product Details
Views: 712
NameThe Journeyman Project 2 - Buried In Time (1995)(CD1)
File NameBIT_MPC_1.iso
Size505,008,128 bytes (481.6 MB)
NameThe Journeyman Project 2 - Buried In Time (1995)(CD2)
File NameBIT_MPC_2.iso
Size631,496,704 bytes (602.2 MB)
NameThe Journeyman Project 2 - Buried In Time (1995)(CD3)
File NameBIT_MPC_3.iso
Size615,993,344 bytes (587.4 MB)
Product Description

The second game of the Journeyman Project series finds you traveling through time to clear yourself of a false accusation of altering history. Your future self materializes before you, tells you you've been framed for changing the past and gives you a time travel suit before being arrested by other members of the Temporal Security Agency. Now you must warp back to a variety of time periods and collect the evidence that proves your innocence.
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