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PC GAMESAdventure,Puzzle

Sam and Max - Season One (2007)

 $ 9.9 
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Product Details
Views: 950
NameSam and Max - Season One (2007)
File NameSNM_SEASON1.iso
Size8,353,021,952 bytes (7.77 GB)
Product Description

Sam and Max: Season One brings back the crazy fun of Sam & Max, the freelance police. It's a vile world out there. Get too complacent and all sorts of weirdos start coming out of the woodwork. Good thing Sam & Max are here to hose down the sleaze and keep some kind of peace. Violently, if possible. Sam's a six-foot tall canine shamus with a love of justice. Max is a hyperkinetic rabbity-thing with a taste for mayhem. Together, they're a team of freelance police officers, on a mission to take down a bizarre mind-control conspiracy. And they're bringing you along for the fun. Get ready to meet some off-kilter characters, puzzle through some brain-tickling conundrums and to laugh at a whole lot of jokes! The game collects six different "episodes," each with their own crazy fun and adventure. Join them as they face mind-controlling villains, the Toy Mafia, viral video games and even a crazy President. BONUS full-size poster and CD with - making of video, trailers for all 6 episodes, bios, concept art, wallpapers, soundtrack sampler, Sam & Max online comic strip and a comic generator for making your own Sam & Max comic strips.
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