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DK - My First Amazing World Explorer 2.0 (1998)
 $ 3.9 
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Some of the old software before 2010 may not be able to install/run normally on x64 or Windows 10 systems. Be aware of it before purchasing it.
Product Details
Views: 1283
NameDK - My First Amazing World Explorer 2.0 (1998)
File NameDKMMWX2.iso
Size654,624,768 bytes (624.2 MB)
Product Description

Travel around the world, explore animated maps, take off on a fun-packed learning adventure. It is highly entertaining and educational pieces of software that provides a fascinating introduction to maps, atlas, and our incredible world. Travel through hundreds of narrated pop-ups and animations, you will unravel the mysteries of geography, mapping, travel time, and distance. Journey to famous cities and uncover the stories behind all the historic landmarks. Visit mountains, jungles, and forests and track down unusual plants and animals. you can even hop on a plane or take a boat across the ocean. So pack your bags and grab your passport - you're in for the adventure of your life! More than 400 Pop-Ups! Packed with amazing facts on people, places, and wildlife. World Explorer Challenge: See if you can earn the title of World Explorer by searching out and completing every journey on the disc. Guided Tours: Explore the mysterious ocean depths or see the world from outer space! Lots of Activities: A variety of absorbing games help teach first mapmaking skills and concepts. 44 Animated Maps: Explore the magic maps and travel anywhere you wish.
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