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Dungeon Siege 2 (4CD)

 $ 3.9 
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Product Details
Views: 1767
NameDungeon Siege 2 (CD1)
File NameDSII_1.iso
Size583,782,400 bytes (556.7 MB)
NameDungeon Siege 2 (CD2)
File NameDSII_2.iso
Size642,002,944 bytes (612.2 MB)
NameDungeon Siege 2 (CD3)
File NameDSII_3.iso
Size626,853,888 bytes (597.8 MB)
NameDungeon Siege 2 (CD4)
File NameDSII_4.iso
Size630,528,000 bytes (601.3 MB)
NameDungeon Siege 2 Update 2.2
File NameDS2_Patch_2.2.exe
Size12,445,432 bytes (11.8 MB)
Product Description

Dungeon Siege 2 is a Real-Time Hack-and-Slash Role-Playing Game (RPG) which uses a rotatable third-person perspective camera. The player may control up to 1-6 hero's and pets, although the size of the party is limited by the game difficulty. The first out of 3 levels of difficulty - Mercenary, limits the party to only a maximum of 4 party members. In order to advance in level, the player must first finish the game in each mentioned level difficulty.

The player may create a new hero or use a pre-generated hero. Races available for new heroes are: Human, Elf, Dryad and Half-Giant. Each race has their own unique racial benefits (or disadvantages). Racial distinction does not affect the storyline. Aside from heroes, your party may also acquire the use of pets as party member, which unlike party members may only advance in one particular class and advance by being fed items. There are 10 different pets available for purchase.
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