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MacKiev 2009 World Book Encyclopedia - Mac OS X Edition
 $ 3.9 
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Product Details
Views: 2847
NameMacKiev 2009 World Book Encyclopedia - Mac OS X Edition
File NameWorld_Book_V2009_MAC_OSX.dmg
Size2,233,575,424 bytes (2.08 GB)
Product Description

The 2009 World Book Multimedia Encyclopedia has all the articles from the print edition, thousands of additional articles, plus more than 10,100 pictures and illustrations, two hours of videos and animations, sounds, a database of more than 1,500 maps, and a high-performance search engine, all in one handy package. Every special feature that can be used to enhance the encyclopedia has been included to give you an excellent learning tool with the experience and tradition of World Book.

System Requirements
Mac OS X 10.3.9 Panther G3 350MHz (iBook and PowerBook G3 - 500MHz) including all Intel Macs 256 MB RAM Display - 1024x768, Millions of Colors Video memory - 8 MB VRAM Free Hard Disk Space - 1.2 GB DVD-ROM drive Internet connection required for accessing online features
WWW.SHOPLACK.COM (2009 - 2024)