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Office PowerPivot for Excel 2010
 $ 9.9 
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Some of the old software before 2010 may not be able to install/run normally on x64 or Windows 10 systems. Be aware of it before purchasing it.
Product Details
Views: 2972
NamePowerPivot for Excel 2010 (x86)
File Nameen_powerpivot_for_excel_2010_x86_522026.msi
Size85,561,344 bytes (81.5 MB)
NamePowerPivot for Excel 2010 (x64)
File Nameen_powerpivot_for_excel_2010_x64_522026.msi
Size117,596,672 bytes (112.1 MB)
Product Description

Microsoft PowerPivot for Microsoft Excel (PowerPivot for Excel) is a data analysis tool that delivers unmatched computational power directly within the application that you already know and love—Microsoft Excel. PowerPivot for Excel Help will get you up to speed and enable you to be productive right away.

Software Requirements

Operating system:
Windows XP SP3 (32-bit), Vista SP2, Windows Server 2008 SP2, or Windows 7.

Windows features:
Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 (Install before installing Office)

Excel version requirements:
Excel 2010 (32-bit or 64-bit) is required to install PowerPivot for Excel.

Office features:
Office Shared Features must be installed with Excel 2010.
.NET Programmability Support, in Microsoft Excel, must also be installed.
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