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Jagged Alliance 2 - Unfinished Business (Gold)(2002)

 $ 3.9 
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Product Details
Views: 1151
NameJagged Alliance 2 - Unfinished Business (Gold)(2002)
File NameJA2_UB.iso
Size727,275,520 bytes (693.5 MB)
Product Description

Jagged Alliance 2: Unfinished Business is a stand alone game that can be played without Jagged Alliance 2. You can import your character from Jagged Alliance 2. Not much has changed, though there are some notable updates such as different AI, new character development options, new characters, new weapons and new tactical features like display of sight range and cover opportunities. The game also comes with a campaign editor. The map is much smaller, containing about 20 accessible sectors, considerable part of which are underground.

Appropriate to the mission, the militia training feature does not exist in this game. In this Jagged Alliance 2: Unfinished Business is more similar to the first version of Jagged Alliance than to its sequel.
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