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The Last Emperor Original Soundtrack(FLAC/APE/WAV)(Loseless)
 $ 3.9 
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Product Details
Views: 292
NameThe Last Emperor Original Soundtrack (APE)(FLAC)(Lossless)
Track listing
[01:47]01.Ryuichi Sakamoto - First Coronation
[02:54]02.Ryuichi Sakamoto - Open the Door
[02:26]03.Ryuichi Sakamoto - Where Is Armo?
[02:39]04.Ryuichi Sakamoto - Picking Up Brides
[02:19]05.Ryuichi Sakamoto - The Last Emperor (Theme Variation 1)
[01:49]06.Ryuichi Sakamoto - Rain (I Want a Divorce)
[00:55]07.Ryuichi Sakamoto - The Baby (Was Born Dead)
[04:28]08.Ryuichi Sakamoto - The Last Emperor (Theme Variation 2)
[05:53]09.Ryuichi Sakamoto - The Last Emperor (Theme)
[04:01]10.David Byrne - Main Title Theme (The Last Emperor)
[02:00]11.David Byrne - Picking a Bride
[05:00]12.David Byrne - Bed
[02:18]13.David Byrne - Wind, Rain and Water
[01:48]14.David Byrne - Paper Emperor
[04:54]15.Cong Su - Lunch
[01:20]16.The Red Guard Accordion Band - Red Guard
[03:07]17.The Ball Orchestra of Vienna - The Emperor's Waltz
[00:41]18.The Girls Red Guard Dancers - The Red Guard Dance
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