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PC GAMESAdventure,Puzzle

The Messenger (2001)(2CD)
 $ 5.9 
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Product Details
Views: 371
NameThe Messenger (2001)(CD1)
File NameTheMessenger_CD1.iso
Size534,339,584 bytes (509.5 MB)
NameThe Messenger (2001)(CD2)
File NameTheMessenger_CD2.iso
Size674,848,768 bytes (643.5 MB)
Product Description

You are Morgan Sinclair, Secret Service agent. The Dark Templars are attempting to secure 4 artifacts, collectively known as "Satan's Keys", to bring upon Armageddon. You must stop them by travelling back in time to locate the artifacts before they fall into the wrong hands...

The Messenger is an adventure game feature 360 panorama views.
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