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Microsoft Enterprise Learning Library Desktop Edition

 $ 3.9 
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Some of the old software before 2010 may not be able to install/run normally on x64 or Windows 10 systems. Be aware of it before purchasing it.
Product Details
Views: 629
NameMicrosoft Enterprise Learning Library Desktop Edition
File NameDESK2_2.iso
Size396,036,096 bytes (377.6 MB)
Product Description

Microsoft - Enterprise Learning Library, version 2.2 Desktop Edition

The Microsoft Enterprise Learning Library (MELL) provides high-quality training and reference resources for using Microsoft software.

contains the following:

Author and Create Collection
Advanced Training for Microsoft Word 2002
Core Training for Microsoft Access 2002
Core Training for Microsoft FrontPage 2002
Core Training for Microsoft PowerPoint 2002
Core Training for Microsoft Visio Standard 2002
Microsoft Access 2002 Inside Out
Microsoft FrontPage 2002 Inside Out
Microsoft Visio 2002 Inside Out

Communicate Collection
Core Training for Microsoft Outlook 2002
Microsoft Outlook 2002 Inside Out
Tablet PC Quick Reference

Faster, Smarter Collection
Faster Smarter Internet
Faster Smarter Microsoft Office XP
Faster Smarter Microsoft Windows 98
Faster Smarter Microsoft Windows XP
Faster Smarter PCs

It can only run on Windows 98 / NT 4.0 SP6a and Internet Explorer 5.01
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