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BodyWorks 5.0 (1995)

 $ 3.9 
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Some of the old software before 2010 may not be able to install/run normally on x64 or Windows 10 systems. Be aware of it before purchasing it.
Product Details
Views: 1011
NameBodyWorks 5.0 (1995)
File NameBODY500.iso
Size670,701,568 bytes (639.6 MB)
Product Description

Explore the Miraculous Secrets of Your Body. Now with the miracle of multimedia lets you explore your body in vivid colour, text and sound.

Body Works 5.0 brings human anatomy to life in brilliant 3-D images, so you can learn quickly and easily how your body works. With more information, more features and more fun than any program in its class, Body Works 5.0 will take you on the tour of a lifetime. Uncover the secrets of your nervous, digestive and respiratory systems. Explore the structure of your skeleton, muscles and organs. See how your skin renews itself, how your eyes focus and how your blood maintains its temperature.

Body Works 5.0 is packed with thrilling and informative features: Rotatable 3-D graphics; powerful movies about the medical world; Dr. Body Works, your on-line teacher; and Body Basics, the exciting new TV-style game show. With the updated Body Works 5.0, you'll discover a whole new world of knowledge - beneath your own skin.
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