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PC GAMESShooting

Gears of War (2007)
 $ 9.9 
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Product Details
Views: 809
NameGears of War (2007)
Size7,957,118,976 bytes (7.41 GB)
Product Description

Gears of War is a third-person shooter video game developed by Epic Games and published by Microsoft Studios. It was initially released for the Xbox 360 on November 7, 2006 in North America, and on November 17 in Europe.[16] It was released for Microsoft Windows on June 11, 2007. Gears of War follows Delta Squad's efforts to help deploy a Lightmass bomb deep in the Locust tunnels to wipe out the Locust threat.

The Windows version of Gears of War has several features not seen in the Xbox 360 release. These include:

Five new single player chapters added to Act Five, which describe the escape of Delta Squad from a giant Brumak
Three new multiplayer maps
The Unreal Map editor
The Annex game mode
50 extra achievements
Free Windows Live! Silver play
DirectX 10 optimization

To change language settings, just open the lang.txt file. (file is in \Gears of War\Binaries\), delete all of them then type the following four characters and save it.

0404 Chinese
0407 Deutsch
0409 English
040c French
0410 Italian
0412 Korean
0c0a Spanish
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