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Prince of Qin (3CD)
 $ 5.9 
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Product Details
Views: 1170
NamePrince of Qin (CD1)
File NamePoQ_CD1.iso
Size509,706,240 bytes (486 MB)
NamePrince of Qin (CD2)
File NamePoQ_CD2.iso
Size673,413,120 bytes (642.2 MB)
NamePrince of Qin (CD3)
File NamePoQ_CD3.iso
Size560,863,232 bytes (534.8 MB)
Product Description

"Prince of Qin" is a game set in the last years of the Qin Empire (210 B.C.-206 B.C.) which were brimming with chaos and death caused by numerous wars. On such a glorious, grand and solemn historical stage will appear many a sage, rare talents, fierce warriors, girls of virtuous upbringing, and even bandits, robbers and drunkards. "Prince of Qin" is an ARPG (Action Role-playing Game), which creates a massive game world allowing players to taste the experience of life in an ancient and historic environment more than 2000 years ago. Though living in today's world, from this game about the distant past, you will understand the similarity between the two.
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