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PC GAMESAdventure,Puzzle

Bureau 13 (BIN+CUE)(1995)
 $ 3.9 
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Product Details
Views: 1068
NameBureau 13 (BIN)(1995)
File NameB13.bin
Size525,820,176 bytes (501.4 MB)
NameBureau 13 (CUE)(1995)
File NameB13.cue
Size274 bytes (274 B)
Product Description

This is a puzzle, adventure game about an ultra-secret organization called Bureau 13, whose operatives investigate paranormal phenomenon. After one member of the organization draws unwanted attention to himself, the Bureau decides to neutralize him by sending two agents on his trail. The game offers many characters to choose from such as thief, priest, mech and vampire etc. Since each character has different skills, each puzzle can be solved in a number of ways, leading to different endings.
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