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Borland C++ Builder Professional 3.0 (1998)
 $ 3.9 
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Some of the old software before 2010 may not be able to install/run normally on x64 or Windows 10 systems. Be aware of it before purchasing it.
Product Details
Views: 1704
NameBorland C++ Builder Professional 3.0 (1998)
File NameCPB30.iso
Size576,333,824 bytes (549.6 MB)
Product Description

Borland C++Builder is a rapid application development (RAD) environment, originally developed by Borland.

C++Builder combines the Visual Component Library and IDE written in Object Pascal with multiple C++ compilers. Most components developed in Delphi can be used in C++Builder with no or little modification, although the reverse is not true, but this constraint is valid only for source code. Binary code generated by Delphi can easily be linked to binary code generated by C++Builder and vice-versa to generate an executable written in both Object Pascal and C++. With this approach we can call C++ from Object Pascal and vice-versa. C++Builder includes tools that allow drag-and-drop visual development, making programming easier by incorporating a WYSIWYG graphical user interface builder.
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