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PC GAMESAdventure,Puzzle

The New Adventures of the Time Machine (2CD)

 $ 3.9 
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Product Details
Views: 1467
NameThe New Adventures of the Time Machine (CD1)
Size395,564,064 bytes (377.2 MB)
NameThe New Adventures of the Time Machine (CD2)
File NameTimeMachine_CD2.iso
Size442,867,488 bytes (422.3 MB)
Product Description

Inspired by the classic story of H.G. Wells, take the role of an intrepid time adventurer trapped in a mysterious future. The only way home may be the demi-god Khronos, Master of the Hourglass...

In a similar manner to Myst, players move around a 3-dimensional world in first person. Collect objects and explore various locations to solve various puzzles. Speak with other characters and grapple with action elements during the game's 40+ hours of playing time.
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