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PC GAMESAdventure,Puzzle

Zero Critical (1999)(BIN+CUE)

 $ 3.9 
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Product Details
Views: 1336
NameZero Critical (1999)(BIN)
File Namezcrit.bin
Size557,917,920 bytes (532 MB)
NameZero Critical (1999)(CUE)
File Namezcrit.cue
Size727 bytes (727 B)
Product Description

Zero Critical is an adventure science fiction video game for Windows 95, Windows 98 and Mac OS. It is a third-person and 3D graphic adventure with an emphasis on story and characters. Zero Critical is notable for its scientific realism.

The game's original title was Satin Rift, but it was released with the title Zero Critical by Bethesda Softworks in 1999. Zero Critical's story and plotline was written by Istvan Pely and Sherban Young.

Zero Critical originally was intended as a direct sequel to Majestic, a game developed and released by Istvan Pely while he was still in college, and also an indirect sequel to the adventure game Symbiocom.
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