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PC GAMESShooting

Delta Force 3 - Land Warrior (2000)
 $ 3.9 
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Product Details
Views: 1705
NameDelta Force 3 - Land Warrior (2000)
Size703,928,320 bytes (671.3 MB)
Product Description

Delta Force: Land Warrior features 30 missions. The game takes place in various places including Africa, Indonesia, Western Egypt and South America. Objectives range from eliminating high-risk targets such as power plants to rescuing VIPs held hostage. Before deployment, players get briefed and are tasked with picking the specific equipment and gear they want for the mission, allowing them to define their strategy beforehand, e.g.: a stealthy approach with silenced weaponry, or an all-out assault with heavy weaponry. The player is inserted into the objective area by a multitude of means, including insertion by helicopter or parachute. Once on the ground, players can navigate the terrain through a use of a mini-map, containing waypoints pointing the player to their objective(s). In certain missions, the player leads a squad, allowing him to issue orders to his teammates, although the majority of missions pits the player alone against the enemy. A map editor is included, allowing players to modify existing maps, or create new ones.
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