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The Best of Windows 95 32-bit Shareware Collection (4CD)

 $ 7.9 
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The download links use the HTTPS protocol. e.g."https://www.shoplack.com/file.iso"
Some of the old software before 2010 may not be able to install/run normally on x64 or Windows 10 systems. Be aware of it before purchasing it.
Product Details
Views: 2001
NameThe Best of Windows 95 32-bit Shareware Collection (CD1)
File NameWIN95_09961.iso
Size631,783,424 bytes (602.5 MB)
NameThe Best of Windows 95 32-bit Shareware Collection (CD2)
File NameWIN95_09962.iso
Size666,472,448 bytes (635.5 MB)
NameThe Best of Windows 95 32-bit Shareware Collection (CD3)
File NameWIN95_09963.iso
Size672,815,104 bytes (641.6 MB)
NameThe Best of Windows 95 32-bit Shareware Collection (CD4)
File NameWIN95_09964.iso
Size593,276,928 bytes (565.7 MB)
Product Description

This CD-ROM is a collection of the shareware on the Windows95.com Web site.

CGI Authoring Tools \cgi
Internet Chat Programs \chat
Misc. Communications \commmisc
Internet Conferencing \conf
TCP/IP Dialup Tools \dialup
Finger Clients \finger
FTP Clients \ftp
FTP Servers \ftpsrv
Images for HTML Files \gifs
HTML Editors Part 1 \htmled1
HTML Editors Part 2 \htmled2
Misc HTML Utilities \htmlmisc
Java Tools \java
Mail Clients \mail
Mail Servers \mailsrv
Mail Utilities \mailutil
Network Phone Clients \netphone
Networking Tools \network
News Readers \news
Remote Computing Tools \remote
HTML Script Editing Tools \scripted
Misc. Servers \srvmisc
Stock Tickers \stock
Internet Suites \suites
Terminal Clients \terminal
Time Clients \time
Timers \timers
Web Servers \websrv
Misc Winsock Apps \winsock

3D PlugIns \3dplug
Application Addins \addins
Audio Plugins \audioplg
Automation Tools \auto
Antivirus Utilities \avirus
WWW Browsers \browsers
Business Plugins \busplug
Command Shells \command
Cursors \cursors
Desktop Managers \deskmgrs
Images for HTML Pages \gifs
Graphics Plugins \grafplug
Icons \icons
Misc Plugins \miscplug
Offline WWW Browsing Tools \offline
Presentation Plugins \presplug
Screen Savers \savers
Startup and Shutdown Screens \startup
Themes A-G \themesag
Themes H-M \themeshm
Themes N-S \themesns
Themes T-Z \themestz
URL Utilities \url
VRML Tools \vrml
Wallpaper \wallpap
Misc WWW Utilities \webmisc

Action Games \action
Alarms and Reminders \alarm
Calculators \calc
Card Games \card
Educational Games \educate
File Libraries \filelib
Financial Tools \finance
Fun Games \fun
Images for HTML Pages \gifs
OCR and Imaging Tools \ocr
Personal Information Managers \pim
Simulation Games \sim
Sticky Note Utilities \stickit
Strategy Games \strategy

Misc Applications \apps
Graphics Catalog Tools \catalog
CD Players \cdplay
Compression Utilities \compress
Disk Utilities \disktool
Graphics Editors \editors
Encryption Utilities \encrypt
Explorer Addons \explorer
File Utilities \filetool
Images for HTML Pages \gifs
Misc Graphics Tools \grafmisc
Memory and Benchmarks \memory
Start Menu Utilities \menu
MIDI Tools \midi
Patches and Fixes \patches
Printer Utilities \printer
Programming Tools \program
Misc Shell Enhancements \shelmisc
Misc Sound Utilities \sound
Text Editors \text
Toolbar Utilities \toolbar
MS Power Toys \toys
UNIX Ports \unix
Misc Utilities \utils
Video and Animation \video
Graphics Viewers \viewers
WAV Players \wav
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