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The Bible - A Multimedia Experience 4.4
 $ 3.9 
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Product Details
Views: 2170
NameThe Bible - A Multimedia Experience 4.4
File NameBIBL_44.iso
Size184,162,304 bytes (175.6 MB)
Product Description

Bring the Bible to life with the sights and sounds of multimedia. Read the complete King James Version of the Bible, from Genesis to Revelations, accessing multimedia video, audio and illustrations while reading. Watch full motion video scenes depicting Christ's passion in the four Gospels, listen to audio passages of popular verses, and view stunning color illustrations of Biblical Saints and characters, then go to the corresponding Bible verses in seconds. Features: Complete text of The King James Version of the Bible. Full motion video scenes from the four Gospels. Audio passages of popular verses. Color Biblical illustrations. Search by word, date or name. Bible indexed by book, chapter and verse. Bookmark and Notepad feature. Print or save the entire Bible.

You can run it on Windows 95/3.X.
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