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Microsoft Digital Dashboard
 $ 5.9 
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The download links use the HTTPS protocol. e.g."https://www.shoplack.com/file.iso"
Some of the old software before 2010 may not be able to install/run normally on x64 or Windows 10 systems. Be aware of it before purchasing it.
Product Details
Views: 2210
NameDigital Dashboard Starter Kit
File Nameen_digidashsk.exe
Size48,677,032 bytes (46.4 MB)
NameDigital Dashboard Resource Kit 2.0 (ISO)
File NameDDRK.iso
Size32,544,768 bytes (31 MB)
NameDigital Dashboard Resource Kit 2.0 (EXE)
File Nameen_digidashreskit_20.exe
Size11,097,272 bytes (10.5 MB)
Product Description

A digital dashboard is a customized solution that delivers critical, tailored information directly to a knowledge worker’s desktop by integrating personal, team, corporate, and external data in a single, familiar environment accessible in the office or on the move.

The Digital Dashboard Starter Kit provides everything you need to start building digital dashboards today. The kit includes white papers, tutorials, and samples to help information technology professionals and knowledge workers understand the business benefits and technological possibilities of building digital dashboard solutions based on the Microsoft platform. Eight customizable digital dashboards, contained in this kit, show how digital dashboards can be used in your job or industry to get the most out of the information within your company.

The Digital Dashboard Resource Kit 2.0 delivers an Internet standards-based framework for creating next generation digital dashboards.
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