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Microsoft Office 97 Proofing Tools (2CD)
 $ 7.9 
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Some of the old software before 2010 may not be able to install/run normally on x64 or Windows 10 systems. Be aware of it before purchasing it.
Product Details
Views: 521
NameMicrosoft Office 97 Proofing Tools (CD1)
LanguagesTurkish, Polish, Greek, Russian, Hungarian
File NameOFF97PTCH_WRD97_OFF97PT.iso
Size494,366,720 bytes (471.4 MB)
NameMicrosoft Office 97 Proofing Tools (CD2)
LanguagesGerman, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Italian, Norwegian, Swedish, Czech
Size671,541,248 bytes (640.4 MB)
Product Description

If you write in a language other than US English, you've probably wished that you could use the spell checkers in your Office applications in other languages as well. Well, you can! All you need to make Office or Word proof in your language of choice is the appropriate Microsoft Proofing Tools package. Each package contains the same spelling dictionary and hyphenation file that Microsoft incorporates in foreign versions of Office. Packages for many languages include thesaurus and/or grammar files as well. The Office Language Selector, included with each Office 97 Proofing Tools package, lets you tell Microsoft Excel, Access, Outlook, and PowerPoint what Proofing Tools language to use when spell-checking text.
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