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Explorers Of The New World
 $ 3.9 
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Product Details
Views: 1633
NameExplorers Of The New World
File NameEXPLORERS.iso
Size496,007,168 bytes (473 MB)
Product Description

As the foundations of knowledge increased in 15th century Europe, there arose a breed of men who were far from content to stay within the confines of their known world. Whether motivated by the desire for lasting fame and fortune, or perhaps to understand what lay beyond the western rim of the Atlantic, they pursued careers in the most exciting and dangerous profession of their day. They became explorers! Now you can follow in the footsteps of three of history’s most acclaimed travelers–Columbus, Magellan, and Cortes--as they seek their destinies in the New World. You're journey does not end with Columbus, Magellan, and Cortes, for there is a complete multimedia database of 60 additional explorers who roamed the ancient seas between 1450-1600.
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