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PC GAMESAdventure,Puzzle

The Cameron Files - Pharaoh's Curse (2CD)
 $ 3.9 
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Product Details
Views: 1544
NameThe Cameron Files - Pharaoh's Curse (CD1)
File NamePharaoh's_CD1.iso
Size622,223,952 bytes (593.3 MB)
NameThe Cameron Files - Pharaoh's Curse (CD2)
File NamePharaoh's_CD2.iso
Size458,802,288 bytes (437.5 MB)
Product Description

The Cameron Files: Pharaoh's Curse is an adventure video game released in 2002, developed by Galilea and published by DreamCatcher Interactive and The Adventure Company.

This game is set in Egypt in the year 1936 and the Pharaoh’s mummy, on display in the Cairo Museum of Antiquities, has mysteriously disappeared. Unravel the treacherous plot using your keen sense of observation and investigative skills. Solve puzzles and talk to interesting characters, some of whom could be suspects, in what may be a dark conspiracy laced with supernatural undertones. Search the Museum, travel down the River Nile and explore the Egyptian sands looking for key clues as to where the mummy has gone and why.
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