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PC GAMESSimulation

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 - A Century of Flight
 $ 5.9 
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Some of the old software before 2010 may not be able to install/run normally on x64 or Windows 10 systems. Be aware of it before purchasing it.
Product Details
Views: 1316
NameMicrosoft Flight Simulator 2004 - A Century of Flight
File NameFS_OEM.iso
Size1,981,968,384 bytes (1.84 GB)
Product Description

First released on the Apple II in 1979 and the IBM PC in 1982, Flight Simulator has been around for more than thirty years. Flight Simulator 2004: A Century of Flight celebrates the 100th anniversary of the first flight by adding nine historical aircraft — ranging from the Wright Flyer to the Douglas DC-3 — as well as recreations of famous flights such as Lindberg’s Atlantic crossing. Though the “new features” list in this ninth entry in the venerable series is fairly short, virtually every aspect of this classic simulation has seen the usual refurbishing.

Along with the typical Flight Sim fare—the Learjet, Cessna 182S, and Boeing 737/747/777—the 24 flyable aircraft include classics such as the Spirit of St. Louis, Ford Tri-Motor, Lockheed Vega, and de Havilland Comet air racer. Surprisingly, given the focus of this edition, the Sopwith Camel (a staple found in the very first version) and F4U Corsair from the 2002 edition are missing, as is the Cessna 182RG.
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