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Lemmings Paintball
 $ 3.9 
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Product Details
Views: 2810
NameLemmings Paintball
File NamePAINTBALL.iso
Size65,839,536 bytes (62.7 MB)
Product Description

Lemmings Paintball is an action video game from the Lemmings franchise made by Visual Science and published by Psygnosis in 1996.

Unlike most of the Lemmings games, it does not use a side-scrolling perspective but instead an isometric view of the levels. The gameplay is also very different from other Lemmings games, focusing on splattering enemies with paint from a gun. The levels contain various puzzles including moving platforms, lemming catapults, and trampolines.

The game is split rather unevenly between the four traditional Lemmings difficulties, for a total of 102 levels. In each level, you’re given a squad of one to four lemmings, and your objective is to have each lemming reach the blue flags. Some levels have only one flag, and others can have up to four. Of course, there’s still hazards to deal with, and not only that, now you’ve got a whole team of other lemmings aiming to shoot you down. Unlike the previous games in the series, which were puzzle games with hints of action elements, Paintball is more of an action game with hints of puzzle elements. Instead of a side-scrolling view, you see everything from an isometric view. And while the object of the game is still to get lemmings to a goal, the way you do that is completely different. For the first time in the series, you have direct control of your lemmings.
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