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Attack Of The Saucerman (BIN+CUE)
 $ 3.9 
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Product Details
Views: 1196
NameAttack Of The Saucerman (BIN)
File NameAOTSM.bin
Size818,695,920 bytes (780.7 MB)
NameAttack Of The Saucerman (CUE)
File NameAOTSM.cue
Size891 bytes (891 B)
Product Description

Attack of the Saucerman is an action video game developed by Fube Industries and published by Psygnosis for the PlayStation console and Microsoft Windows in 1999.

Save Earth's ecosystem. Ed, a peon from the Grimloid Intergalatic Empire, needs help to rid Earth of aliens. Battle alien bosses, Ned hunters and more while disbanding the illegal Ned farm. Capture the Neds and restore peace.
WWW.SHOPLACK.COM (2009 - 2024)