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Dungeon Siege - Legends of Aranna (3CD)
 $ 7.9 
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Product Details
Views: 1377
NameDungeon Siege - Legends of Aranna (CD1)
File NameDSLOA1.iso
Size564,473,856 bytes (538.3 MB)
NameDungeon Siege - Legends of Aranna (CD2)
File NameDSLOA2.iso
Size648,382,464 bytes (618.3 MB)
NameDungeon Siege - Legends of Aranna (CD3)
File NameDSLOA3.iso
Size521,725,952 bytes (497.5 MB)
Product Description

Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna is an expansion pack for Dungeon Siege. It was created by Mad Doc Software and Gas Powered Games, shortly after Dungeon Siege.

Legends of Aranna, the expansion pack to the award-winning action fantasy role-playing game Dungeon Siege, takes place on the mysterious Island of Utrae, where mystery and danger confront would-be adventurers at every turn. As an extra bonus, the Legends of Aranna expansion pack also includes the full version of the original Dungeon Siege. In addition to new spells, a new pack animal, and a new Half-Giant character, the add-on unveils an all-new campaign that will challenge players to explore and fight their way through nine spectacular areas, including an expansive new jungle region, as they unravel the rich history and mystery of the world of Aranna.
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