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Microsoft Windows CE 1.0 Desktop Software
 $ 3.9 
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Some of the old software before 2010 may not be able to install/run normally on x64 or Windows 10 systems. Be aware of it before purchasing it.
Product Details
Views: 3309
NameMicrosoft Windows CE 1.0 Desktop Software
File NameH/PC EXPLORER.iso
Size40,620,032 bytes (38.7 MB)
Product Description

Windows CE 1.0 was the inaugural version of Windows CE, and with it came the idea of the Microsoft Windows PC Companion. In order to achieve this Microsoft provided a gateway application to sit between the Handheld PC companion device and the more powerful host. This was named Handheld PC Explorer.

H/PC Explorer 1.1 was released on the 19th March 1997. 1.1.7077 was an incremental update to the original version. It was released in both English and Japanese language versions, the Japanese version specifically written to support the new Japanese Windows CE 1.01 release.

Significantly, H/PC Explorer 1.1 added support for Windows NT 4.0 as well as the new Office 97 (Word, Excel and Outlook 97). Microsoft also made EULA (End User License Agreement) changes so that the single use stipulation was removed, allowing users to install it on any PC that they dock their H/PC with.
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