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PC GAMESAdventure,Puzzle

The Neverhood (1996)
 $ 3.9 
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Product Details
Views: 1638
NameThe Neverhood (1996)
File NameNeverhood.iso
Size651,741,184 bytes (621.5 MB)
NameThe Neverhood XP Patch (Solution cannot load saved games on Windows XP)
File NameXP_Patch.zip
Size335,702 bytes (327 KB)
NameThe Neverhood Color Fix for Windows 7/Vista
File NameColor_Fix.zip
Size162,969 bytes (159 KB)
Product Description

The Neverhood (also called The Neverhood Chronicles, released in Japan as Klaymen Klaymen) is a 1996 point-and-click adventure game developed by The Neverhood, Inc. and published by DreamWorks Interactive. The game follows the adventure of a claymation character named Klaymen as he discovers his origins and his purpose in a world made entirely out of clay. When the game was originally released, it was unique in that it featured all of its animation done entirely in claymation, including all of the sets, rather than 2- or 3-dimensional computer graphics, like many other games at its time. The gameplay consists mostly of the player guiding the main character Klaymen around and solving puzzles to advance in the game. As the player advances through different areas of the game, there are various video sequences that help advance the plot. In addition to being unique, The Neverhood aimed at being quirky and humorous, as is evident by the characters, the music, and the plot sequence of the game.
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