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Microsoft Monster Truck Madness 2 (with Soundtrack)
 $ 3.9 
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Some of the old software before 2010 may not be able to install/run normally on x64 or Windows 10 systems. Be aware of it before purchasing it.
Product Details
Views: 2210
NameMicrosoft Monster Truck Madness 2
File NameMTM2_OEM.bin
Size714,046,032 bytes (680.9 MB)
NameMicrosoft Monster Truck Madness 2
File NameMTM2_OEM.cue
Size464 bytes (464 B)
Product Description

Monster Truck Madness 2 is the sequel to one of the bestselling auto-racing games for the PC. Monster Truck Madness 2 combines outrageous attitude, unrestrained racing, and real monster trucks to provide a fun and exhilarating off-road driving experience across rugged and challenging terrain. Monster Truck Madness 2 adds new tracks and trucks, improved graphics and sound, and variable weather conditions. The game seats players behind the steering wheel of the world's most powerful vehicles as they crush, splatter, jump, and roll their way to victory.
WWW.SHOPLACK.COM (2009 - 2024)