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Microsoft Multimedia Jumpstart Version 1.1a
 $ 3.9 
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Some of the old software before 2010 may not be able to install/run normally on x64 or Windows 10 systems. Be aware of it before purchasing it.
Product Details
Views: 1958
NameMicrosoft Multimedia Jumpstart Version 1.1a
File NameCD_ROM.iso
Size436,264,960 bytes (416 MB)
Product Description

Multimedia Jumpstart was created to provide software developers ideas and tools for creating multimedia-based applications to run on DOS and Windows 3.1 and for distribution on CD-ROM.

Included are PowerPoint presentations illustrating the projected rise of multimedia-based software running on Windows-based PCs. Featured are drivers for Multimedia Movie Player, MSCDEX, C and Visual Basic source code for sample programs running multimedia content, Microsoft Multimedia Viewer, Motion Works MediaShop 1.01 Lite for Visual Basic, Video for Windows Development Kit, Video for Windows Performance Test, tech documents for RLE, sprites, audio files, CD-ROM design and optimization, fonts, Windows printing, Windows mapping modes, PostScript printer files, scanning tools and methods, Visual Help 2.0j, SnapShot Screen Capture Utility 2.0, UpFront 1.0 toolbar, Convert 1.0b, sample multimedia content, Jumpstart browser, and more.
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